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Trachurus trachurus

The horse mackerel is a blue fish that is widely distributed in the North Atlantic from Senegal to Islancia and throughout the Mediterranean.

It can reach up to 50cm. but the usual thing is that the specimens have a size of between 30 or 40 centimeters.

The horse mackerel is a gregarious fish that forms large schools. Their main diet consists of other small fish, crustaceans and cephalopods.

It can be found both in the open sea and near the coast at depths between 100 to 200 meters.


Para la captura de este pez se suelen emplear redes de arrastre o también redes de enmalle.

Antiguamente se consideraba este pez comida de pobres, pero con el paso del tiempo se ha hecho muy popular y apreciado debido a su gran sabor y a sus beneficios nutricionales.

Se suele consumir frito, aunque también se puede preparar en escabeche.