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Sardina pilchardus

The European sardine or common sardine is a clupeiform fish closely related to anchovies and herring, with an elongated body that is not very compressed with a dark gray, blue and silver back, and the belly is silvery white.

It is a gregarious fish that usually moves in large schools.

They usually live in areas near the coast and in winter they retire to areas closer to the continental slope at depths of about 150 m.

They feed on plankton and can live up to 15 years and reach 25 cm. The largest and longest-lived are those that live in colder waters.


To capture this fish, seine nets or gill nets are usually used. Another possibility is to use trawl nets.

Together with anchovies, they are the quintessential blue fish with a high nutritional value, with an important contribution of omega 3 fatty acids, phosphorus, selenium, iodine, vitamin B12,B6, niacin and vitamin D.

Being a very common and abundant species, it is on the market all year round, although the best months for its consumption are between July and November, which is the period when it reaches the highest nutritional value.